Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Time to get serious now kids..

I drive in to work most mornings down Hastings Street into downtown Vancouver and it saddens me to see the things I do so early in the morning. Well any time of day it upsets me, but for whatever reason it does even more so in the morning.  It looks like a homeless flea market out there, except the only things for sale are stolen goods, drugs, and sex.

Every morning I see the same people.  Hanging around the same corners.
The homeless, mentally ill, and drug addicted.  Looking lost.  Hopeless.  Wandering or jumping into the middle of the streets, sometimes already looking for their next fix.  Although you really can't tell if they are still high from the night before, or if they have already woken up and taken a hit.  Nonetheless it's awful to realize this is all their lives have resorted to.  I don't know what is worse, the fact they have given up on themselves completely and have no regard for anyone because drugs have taken over all logic they may have possessed at some point or the mystery of what horrible things may have happened to them along life's way to allow themselves to believe they're not worth more than this lifestyle.

This morning I encountered a man who was out cold on the side walk on Richards at Cordova St.  And I mean he was out cold, I totally thought the guy was dead.  Now people, how effing heartless are you that you will literally walk RIGHT OVER TOP of a guy who appears motionless on the sidewalk at 10 in the morning????  WTF is wrong with you?  If the guy hadn't looked a bit scrubby and instead was wearing regular clothing or a business suit, you would have stopped to see if he was ok, wouldn't you???  But no, for whatever selfish reasonings you did not even bat an eye at this guy who for all you know could have been dead.

Now, I am a believer in most cases that yes, people are generally responsible for the decisions they make and where those decisions may end up taking them.  But there comes a point where it gets out of their control, and it is our responsibility as human beings to recognize these people need help and to do something to help them. Do anything.  Like for instance, at least taking 1 minute out of your day to call an ambulance to make sure this guy on the sidewalk isn't a goner.  But I guess everyone else had another emergency to tend to or something else far more important to do this morning, so don't worry I took care of it for you.  And incase you were wondering, the guy is alive, but would have died if he had remained unconscious for much longer according to the paramedics.  

I guess I don't understand how people think anymore.  If we just ignore them, will they eventually just disappear?  It's as if they believe drug addiction and overdose is another way of population control.  Like it's no big deal to let these people slowly kill themselves. But unlike the pipes and needles which rule most of their lives, these people are not disposable.  They are PEOPLE, you know, HUMAN BEINGS! And they deserve to be treated as humanely as you and I do. 

I think we all need to take some time to remember that like us, every single one of them out there is also someone's child.

So even if you have no desire to donate some of your time or money to a charity or send some old clothes to a shelter or church, at least promise me this- have enough decency to call an ambulance next time you see someone who may need medical attention.  You don't have to try to help them yourself and in fact I don't recommend it, but at least show 2 ounces of compassion and care for someone who needs it.  After all, you don't know what's happened unless you've walked in their shoes and you never know one day if or when it may be you who needs the help.

Karma is a bitch my friend. 

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