Tuesday, September 23, 2008

No One.. No One.. Does it better than you, Miss Alicia Keys..

Wow... I'd been waiting many years for the opportunity to see Alicia Keys in concert.. 
And last night it finally happened!  
12th row floor at the Orpheum Theatre. Amazing.

Now, I know there are a few haters out there at the moment thinking AK is a man stealer and all.. You know, I mean the whole Swizz Beatz thing.. Whatever.. Do what you gotta do girl..If ya did it who cares.. and if you didn't well even better cause you are young and famous and fabulous and can get any man wayyy better than that fool... But I ain't gunna hold it against ya.. You do yer thang.. Whoever it may be..

As for the show, Miss Alicia threw it down last night.. I mean seriously.. The girl...can sing! And play the piano.. Damn can she ever play the piano... The only thing negative I have to say about her performance... Oh my gosh, please woman take some dance lessons.. Your dancing.. is not so smooth. Those choreographed dance routines with your back up singers- straight outta Dream Girls... Why? It wasn't even cool in the movie..  Oh wait, and you attempting to dance all sexy-like with that black handkerchief.  That was probably the worst seducing I've ever seen in my life! BUT because you are so freakin amazing to listen to, I am willing to cut you a deal.. I will completely disregard your poor dancing abilities for the simple promise that next time I see you.. you ain't gunna be doin none of that awful white girl booty shakin again, ok. Now do we have ourselves a deal?

You see I love music.. I live for it.. I believe this world would be a really hateful, horrible place without it... I love music that's raw and emotional and really draws from it's original roots.. And Alicia seems to know how to perfectly blend and incorporate this into her sound... I'm not sure how, but she does it and she does it well.. I don't have much more to say about her performance other than I really freaking loved it and I wished it weren't over so quickly.. I'm sure you've all seen her perform live on TV on music award shows and such.. So just imagine how amazing witnessing her perform for an hour and a half live from like 15 feet away would be.. That's right, Incredible.

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