Sunday, August 31, 2008

One of Those Moments..

Today I was driving to go meet up with my trainer and I was behind this older blue van approaching  a traffic light in the middle of the highway. You know, the one on King George Hwy right before that little bridge thing on your way to White Rock.  That light.  Anyhow, the van pulled through the late yellow and I stopped at the red light.  And all of a sudden I had one of those "holy shit I totally forgot about that" memories....

When I was 15, my boyfriend at the time and I were driving to White Rock to go meet up with some friends.  He had just put insurance on his car that day.  I totally remember it was this 198o- something blue Skylark, so pimp..heh.  We were driving down that same part of the highway when a blue van EXACTLY the same as the one in front of me today, slammed on its brakes at that EXACT red light.  Unfortunately for us, that van didn't run the late yellow, it stopped dead. My bf didn't see it coming and we smashed right into the back of it!

Luckily no one was hurt, well nobody except my bf's pride.  He hadn't even had his car insured for half a day when he pretty much wrote it off with his gf in the passenger seat! Poor guy..
I remember him being so worried his mom would find out and get pissed at him, so he left his car for a few days at his friend's house and went all the way out to Chilliwack to find a new front end grill for the car before anyone noticed..  In the end it worked, for awhile, I think it was a few months until his mom actually found out about the accident.  Might have been because the replacement grill was a totally different color than the car was... At least he pulled it off for awhile.

Lessons learned, don't ever trust blue vans driving anywhere near you.  And don't even bother trying to lie to or hide anything from your mother, because she is your mother, and mothers are like female inspector gadgets and are way smarter than you think.. They ALWAYS eventually find out what really happened.  

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Currently all things Awesome...

I got out of bed at 2pm today.. and there wasn't a damn thing wrong with it.

pink lilies. enuf said.

the return of Beverly Hills 90210.. (always a guilty pleasure..shh.)

The fact we actually got paid yesterday. (Fellow "Fivers" will know what I'm sayin.)

my dog is in a puppy beauty contest this weekend.. and she will win because she is the eff'n cutest dog ever in the whole wide world... Says me.

I've been laid off & put on working notice at my job, but am getting paid to find a new job and update my portfolio.. So sweet.

I am 10 weeks out from my next figure bodybuilding competition.. which might I add I plan to place top 3 in even if it kills me.

I'm looking forward to having a chicken-less diet in 10 weeks. 
In fact I think my diet will more than likely only contain the following food items:
ice cream
ice cream
my grandma's perogies
and oh right.. ice cream. ;)

It is Saturday and I still have 2 more days off before I go back to work.  Thank you United States Government for declaring Labor Day, the first Monday in September, as "a rest day for working citizens".  You kick ass...well sometimes.

And one of my cheap digs at my employer (who just laid us off) this week. Seen here.

That's all..

Yes. Hell froze over... and I created a blog.

Only yesterday I was having an IM convo about how pointless I believed blogs to be.  
How people go on incessant rants about the randomnest topics of which no one is truly interested in hearing about.  And yet today... I find myself having created my first very own blog.
You see, the reason I believed blogs were totally useless and more often than not highly irritating is because people just seem to bitch with NO intention or attempt to change anything about to what they are bitching. Nothing is gained by the reader other than being left with a lingering feeling of annoyance their time has been wasted by some mindless babbling moron. And since topics are generally blogged about after the fact, by the time it's read it's already old news my friend.

Well... I. Was. Wrong!  Yes, I'll admit it. I was very very wrong.
Clearly the only blogs I have ever read were written by absolute shit for brains, non-creative minded individuals.  After surfing the web (does anyone even say that anymore?) all evening for some sort of mind inspiring something, I stumbled across a friend's blog which I found to be extremely enlightening.  
My views on blogging have been changed for-EVER.   Some of the posts I read made me literally laugh out loud, some brought tears to my eyes, and some made me say "fuckin rights!".  They were all real, emotional, raw, meaningful, organized, creative thoughts.. and almost every one of them left me with something to think about.

Which brings me to this.  Whether this blog only ends up becoming my own personal form of self release and expression that nobody even reads, or it turns into something much bigger.. I vow not to fill it with useless bitching and raving about things never going to change or that we have no control over.

this is an opportunity for words to be what they are and used for whatever they need be... just in a very public format ;)