Saturday, August 30, 2008

Yes. Hell froze over... and I created a blog.

Only yesterday I was having an IM convo about how pointless I believed blogs to be.  
How people go on incessant rants about the randomnest topics of which no one is truly interested in hearing about.  And yet today... I find myself having created my first very own blog.
You see, the reason I believed blogs were totally useless and more often than not highly irritating is because people just seem to bitch with NO intention or attempt to change anything about to what they are bitching. Nothing is gained by the reader other than being left with a lingering feeling of annoyance their time has been wasted by some mindless babbling moron. And since topics are generally blogged about after the fact, by the time it's read it's already old news my friend.

Well... I. Was. Wrong!  Yes, I'll admit it. I was very very wrong.
Clearly the only blogs I have ever read were written by absolute shit for brains, non-creative minded individuals.  After surfing the web (does anyone even say that anymore?) all evening for some sort of mind inspiring something, I stumbled across a friend's blog which I found to be extremely enlightening.  
My views on blogging have been changed for-EVER.   Some of the posts I read made me literally laugh out loud, some brought tears to my eyes, and some made me say "fuckin rights!".  They were all real, emotional, raw, meaningful, organized, creative thoughts.. and almost every one of them left me with something to think about.

Which brings me to this.  Whether this blog only ends up becoming my own personal form of self release and expression that nobody even reads, or it turns into something much bigger.. I vow not to fill it with useless bitching and raving about things never going to change or that we have no control over.

this is an opportunity for words to be what they are and used for whatever they need be... just in a very public format ;)


Soundy106 said...

Heheheh, welcome to the dark side! MUhaahhahaahah! Okay, I'm not actually a blogger myself, but I do have several other friends who are, some very regularly, some sporadically. And yes, some who just write mindless blather for a release valve (which can still be an entertaining distraction)... and others who actually do something useful with it.

Two right off the top of my head, one example of each:

I, for one, will look forward to reading your musings, and judging their worthiness - will they be mindless blather, or will they be life-changing? Only time will tell! ;)


David said...

Hey Brit, welcome to the blogging community.

I'm one of the sporadic bloggers you mention. Sometimes I post multiple times a day and others, not for months on end.

Then I periodically go back and delete the most boring and mind-numbing posts.

Anyway, I look forward to reading your musings.


David Bailie.