Thursday, August 18, 2011

B Dubbs' Rules for Life.

Rule #1. Work & play hard. Love unconditionally. Live responsibly.
Rule #2. Respect ur elders.
Rule #3. Never make anyone ur #1 priority.
Rule #4. Stay True to u & others.
Rule #5. Fight for everything you want - claim it & don't give up.
Rule #6. Never throw someone under a bus.
Rule #7. Love like u've never been hurt.
Rule #8. No 3rd chances. life's too short to enable shit.
Rule #9. Tell at least one person each day you love them.
Rule #10. Obey the Golden Rule.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Bert and Ernie. BFF's

there seems to be a lot of confusion between what is a muppet and what is a puppet.. Bert and Ernie are puppets not muppets... and as for this petition stating they should "come out" as married gay lovers on Sesame Street after all these years... WTF is wrong with you?!.. For one they are best friends and roommates and have been such for over 30 years... and two, I dont think kids just learning their 1,2,3's and A,B,C's need to learn about gay marriage quite yet. Gosh.

Sunday, August 7, 2011