Sunday, October 19, 2008

Ode to Emily..

Next week will mark a very sad time in Vancouver's history.. Ok, well maybe more so in my history.. but grief as an entire city just sounded more dramatic. The blonde bombshell duo will be no longer intact.. Our superhero forces soon separated by many provinces..

This coming Friday I will be saying "so long" to my always trusty sidekick and fellow mischief maker- Miss Emily "Ninja Boot" Buller... The poor poor soul who has seen more of my white ass than she probably ever cared to see, or to take pictures of!! Love you Em!!! 

So to tribute the going away of my dear friend.. Here are just a few shots of us at some of our most debaucherous moments.. There are too many crazy memories to share!

Good times my friend, good times.... I will miss you oh so mucho!
We really knew no other way than the most extreme debauchery, didn't we?!

Au revoir my dear Ninja Boot.. You will forever be my favorite squirrelly sidekick!
Until next time.... xox

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