Tuesday, June 14, 2011

We don't know just how good we've got it...

We often don't realize how tiny the microcosm we live in is until people either enter or exit our lives due to greater realities of the world.. Jasmine (Mozhdah) and I met in 2004 while in school at BCIT for broadcast journalism.. We became close friends almost instantly, both sharing a passion to use our dominating uniqueness and ambition to contribute to the world in some small way.. I knew from day one she would go on to do greater things than even she could ever imagine.. I am so proud of what she stands for today, she risks her life every minute of each day to do her part to educate Afghanistan's people through the media in hopes that by securing their future it will help secure the safety and future of the entire North American Nation...

She is one person, with one incredible goal, and she is literally transforming our world... Please consider my dear friend in your prayers and help to keep her safe, her life is literally at risk everyday because of the Taliban. This is not a joke... Today I am proud to be a Canadian, to be able to speak, live and dream anything my heart desires.. But I am even more proud of Mozhdah for sacrificing her own fought freedom to return to her homeland of Kabul, Afghanistan to help pave the road to freedom for future Afghan generations. <3

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